Please join us as we go around our neighborhood to rake yards for those of our neighbors who would like to rake, but are physically unable to because of health reasons. Come on over to the Whitman/Johnson house at 3701 Dennett Drive (the corner of Dennett and Ring Streets) at 9 a.m., Saturday, Nov. 10, 2018 (rain date is Sunday, Nov. 11).

Eastmorland Community Association (ECA) will provide beverages and light snacks at 9 a.m. on Saturday (or 1 p.m. on the rain date). After raking, volunteer rakers and members of the households whose yards were raked are invited to a potluck at the Whitman/Johnson residence. The potluck will begin at approximately 11:30 a.m. on Saturday (or 3:30 p.m. on the rain date). Pizza and beverages will be provided. Please bring something to share, such as a salad, dessert, or other munchies. Kids are welcome to attend. Questions? Please call ECA President Kathy Soukup at 244-8965. For details, see printable flyer.