See flier of events.


Every month, 2nd Tuesday at 7 p.m.: ECA meetings in Pinney Library, Room A. Everyone welcome!

May 11, July 20, Sept 21, 4-7 p.m.: Outdoor Markets at the Lansing Food Forest. 


April 22, 9 a.m.: Parks Clean Up: Meet at the Olbrich Park Shelter on Walter Street. Bags and gloves provided!

May 11, 7 p.m.: ECA Board Election. Lansing Food Forest. Run for a board seat or vote May 4-11 at 


June 3, 12-3 p.m: Eastmorland LGBTQ+ Pride Picnic Olbrich Park Shelter. All are welcome!

June 7: Ash Tree Fundraiser at Olbrich Biergarten – Buy a drink for a part of the proceeds to go to the Save Our Ash Tree initiative! Rain date is June 14.

June 16-18: ECA/LENA/Glendale Garage Sale. Put your sale on the map:

August 24, 4-8 p.m.: Tunes on the Triangle. 3565 Tulane Ave. in collaboration with Schenk PTO and Common Grace.


November 4, 9 a.m.: Leaf Raking for Neighbors

Meet at Olbrich Park Shelter on Wlater Street next to softball fields. Neighbors helping neighbors with pizza after we rake! Rain date: Nov. 5, 1 p.m.


December 9, 10 a.m.-12 p.m.: Santa Visits: Common Grace, 3565 Tulane Ave