Was the November 2017 issue the last “Hi, Neighbor”? If you are willing to participate in defining and working to produce the next ECA newsletter, please attend the meeting at Pinney Library’s Community Room 6:15 p.m., Thursday, Dec. 14, 2017 — Call 244-8965 to RSVP

Our Editor-in-Chief of many years, Patrick Soukup, is retiring. The November 2017 edition was his last issue. He has worn many hats: Managing editor, advertising manager, copy editor, proofreader, compositor.

We need people for the following positions to help the newsletter continue:

  • Production Manager: Responsible for the production of Eastmorland’s quarterly “Hi Neighbor” newsletter by making sure the editing, advertising, composition, and distribution are being completed on time resulting in a quality product.
  • Editing: Receives email copy, proof reads, makes corrections, and convert text to newsletter’s type face and size and send it to the compositor.
  • Compositor: Assemble pages combined with copy and ads. Sends completed page proofs to editing for final check and approval. Mails pages to printer.
  • Distribution: Responsible for maintaining delivery sheets that show which block captain receives the news- letter and the proper quantity. Receive printed copies from the printer, count out quantities for the block cap- tains to be delivered to ECA residents, deliver block captains papers to ECA’s five neighbor distributors who will see to it that each block captain receives their packet.
  • Advertising: Selling ads to advertisers and making contact with current advertisers for renewals. Making sure that the compositor receives the copy for new ads and for existing ad copy changes.